Monday, 29 October 2007

Is anyone out there?

We're here! I've been busy studying, so Cam's been filling in for me. Did you like his posts?

I only have a week until my thesis is due - I was up until 6am this morning doing a final draft for my supervisor. I've had the joy of being off work for the last two weeks, so I've been cooking as much as possible - procrastination is fun!
Here's a few cute things from the last few weeks - I'll post fattening pics later in the week!

We got a new landing platform for the turtles, so I've been trying to get photos of them basking under the red lamp. They spook very easily!
Turtle Butt

I love a good turtle butt picture. Tee hee!

We had a little visitor to the kitchen last week.....
17-10 Ladybug on the bench

I don't think I've seen a ladybug since I was a kid!

Lunch, two days before my "holidays":
10-10 Amy's lunch
I made a hummus & tomato sandwich and snacked on the rest - I <3>

The cupcake carriers I bought a few months ago are awesome! Here's how I put them in the car.....
21-10 Buckling up the babies

Ha ha ha... Hope everyone's doing well!

Monday, 8 October 2007

Update 8th October

Amy is still busy with uni work, so I thought I'd post again. As you all know, this is only the second time I've ever used a computer. Frankly, I'm amazed at this interweb thingy. Until now I thought computers were just pornography machines used by the perverted and the internet was a seedy disgusting place for criminals. At least that's what our esteemed Prime Minister John Howard told me.

From oldest to newest:

25th September - Tofu Salad with Pine Nuts
Made by Amy & Cam
Tofu Salad with Pine Nuts

26th September - Tofu Salad with Pine Nuts and Mushrooms
Made by Amy
Tofu Salad with Pine Nuts and Mushrooms

27th September - Mushroom Stew with Potatoes
Made by Cam
Variation of recipe from Vegan pp102 Mushroom Stew with Potatoes

28th September - "Fish" and Chips
Made by Cam
I had an RDO from work, so I watched a lot of X-Files and cooked up these bad boys. The fish is mock cod fish pieces from one of the Asian Supermarkets in The Valley.
I made the sauce for the fish from black vinegar, lemon juice, chilli, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, sesame oil and coriander!
Hehe... cod pieces.

3rd October - Gingerbread Cupcakes
Made by Amy
Amy said I have to call these "ginger nipples", but I think that's lame!
From Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World pp53
Gingerbread Cupcakes

5th October - Stuffed Mushrooms with Mac & Cheese
Made by Amy
Mac & Cheese recipe from Get Sconed!
Stuffed Mushrooms with Mac & Cheese
Stuffed Mushrooms with Mac & Cheese

6th October - Tasty Platter
Made by God and brought down to earth by angels
Tasty Platter

7th October - Apple and Zucchini Muffins
Made by Cam
From Don't Eat Off The Sidewalk Issue 1
Apple and Zucchini Muffins

7th October - Crazy Leftover Clearance Sale! Shepards Pie with Polenta
Made by Amy
Crazy Leftover Clearance Sale!

8th October - Brown Lentil Pasta
Made by Cam
Roughly based on Pizza Sauce recipe from Vegan With A Vengeance pp130
Brown Lentil Pasta

Finally, we have some pics of some vegan products we bought recently.
Chocolate Bars
Chocolate Bars


Welcome to the new Dark Ages.