Monday, 9 July 2007

Cookbooks - help!

Hey everyone!

I'm avoiding study, but I need to order a few books online for my thesis. Thus, I thought that it would be a good time to update the collection (also, I'm a book geek, so I 'like' want every book ever published...)...

Anyway - here is the list thus far (please feel free to make suggestions):
Vegan Vittles (I hear that there is a good pizza cheeze recipe in this - I REALLY want a decent pizza cheeze recipe)
Vegan Planet

Thanks for the help in advance!


K said...

I have vegan planet and haven't been overly impressed by except for one recipe for baked tofu.

Do you have how it all vegan? It's my fav!

I have been thinking about getting Nonnas Italian kitchen

radioactivegan said...

If you have a slow-cooker (or crock pot) then Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker by Robin Robertson is good. I'm working on my dissertation also and it makes cooking much easier. Plus every recipe makes a ton so you can freeze some for another day.

I also like World Vegetarian by Madhur Jaffrey.

Anonymous said...

Do you have "Vive le Vegan"? I love Dreena's recipes: they're simple and natural. Her apple-hemp muffins and basmati Greek rice are to die for.

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

How about "Quick Fix Vegetarian" by Robin Robertson?

Jody from VegChic said...

I also dig the Garden of Eatin, Dolce Vegan, and other one I can't remember at the moment.

Both of Dreena Burton's books if you don't have them.

Like you...I want every vegan cookbook ever made. I've got a huge collection already and my wishlist is like 50 long.

Mary Worrell said...

I have a big want list, but I also have a big shelf of cookbooks!

While it's not too inspiring, the "Student's Go Vegan Cookbook" is actually pretty good. Great recipes with short ingredient lists.

I also recently got/received "Great Good Desserts Naturally," and "The Voluptuous Vegan," but haven't had a chance to make anything from them yet.

Anna said...

Hi Amy, not sure if you were after strictly vegan cookbooks. I'm new to them, so can't be a huge help there. But I do recommend Deborah Madison's Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone--the first vegie cookbook I bought and the best one over the years. It contains something like 1400 recipes and quite a few are vegan or can be veganized without much trouble. It serves as a bit of a reference work for me and has a focus on fresh ingredients etc. It's much cheaper through Amazon (currently 26.40 USD) than it is in Aussie book stores (~90 AUD).

Amy said...

I have Vegan Vittles. Honestly, I've never made anything out of it at all. Other than that I'm not much help. I love Vegan Planet (I've borrowed it from the library) but other than Vegan Planet and VwaV nothings ever really stuck out for me. Oh actually yes, Nonna's Italian Kitchen is good but I think you already have it? Her 20 minutes to dinner is good too.

Jenni (aka Vegyogini) said...

Go for ExtraVeganZa, Native Foods, Real Food Daily, Vegan Lunchbox, and Simple Treats. Otherwise, hold out for all the new vegan cookbooks that'll be out this fall. :)

Monika K said...

Just stopped by and couldn't help noticing your plan to update the cookbook shelf (one of my favorite shelves in the house). (-: I think someone already brought it up, but I would heartily recommend Deborah Madison's "Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone" (or "Everyday Greens"). The recipes are vegetarian, most are vegan (or easily made vegan) and Deborah really knows her flavor profiles. I have yet to make something from her book that I didn't like. Just a thought - good luck!

madeinalaska said...

Hello.. I have both of those books vegan vittles and vegan planet. I have made maybe 15 recipes from vegan planet and only been impressed by one. Vegan vittles has many recipes I use all of the time! tofu bacon, gravies, tofu scramble, cheddary cheeze soup, grilled cheeze (one of my all time favs!) I really could go on and on.. its a great book for beginners.
another one of my faves that has yet to produce ANY duds is the complete vegan cookbook. This book I always use for potlucks w/ omnis or when we have omni guest over. It is that good.