Anyway, I was inspired by a recent South Park episode to make Tofu “fish” Fingers (I believe you call them Fish Sticks in the US). Recipe came from the Vegan Lunchbox cookbook (finally bought it!). Pretty tasty!

I’ll resist the urge to make a gay vegan fish joke.

I discovered chipotles at the Indian grocer the other week (month?) and so I made tamales (using aluminium foil instead of corn husks). Not bad…. They’re really dense!!!
And, of course, I’ve been sewing….

VeganAmy out.
Welcome back!
I love everything about this post! Those fish sticks look so perfect and crispy, YUM! And what a clever idea for those tamales, very impressive.
I am always in awe of people who can sew and make things with their own hands. I love the colors!
I love the colours too! Thanks for visiting (after me being lazy for sooooooooooooooooooo long).
That bag looks fantastic, Amy! Come to Sydney and teach me how to use the sewing machine I borrowed a year ago and haven't used!
Wow! What a great purse!
heeyyy there. good to see ya.
vegan fish sticks look awesome. and yummy tamales. i've never made them myself but they are delicious.
your bag is absolutely gorgeous! wish i could sew that well.
Pale blue and chocolate brown has to be one of the best color combinations ever.
P.S. Tamales are the best! I still haven't made my own . . . must solve this problem!
Ooh, tamales and fish sticks! And as always, I am majorly impressed with your sewing projects. Good luck with exams!!
I've been thinking way too much about sewing, so I might do a 'how to sew a bag' blog in the holidays. I'm also making fish (st)dicks this week. (tee hee)
Wow. Great looking clutch bag!
Great post! The food looks yummy and the bag looks wonderful!
Cute purse!
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