Thursday, 3 September 2009

Day 3: I looooove Mexican / Tex-Mex food!

Okay, I just love food that centres around tasty carbs (pasta, noodles, tortillas).
I’ve made this chilli once already – only last month!  It is really good, but I wanted more veggies, so when I added in the kidney beans I added in a chopped capscicum, half a can of corn kernels (the half I didn’t use in the cornbread) and the remains of a bag of ‘shrooms.  OMG.  Soooo good.  I had leftovers for lunch today.
I made the cornbread in the muffin tin.  So adorably cute!  And extra crunchy.
Chilli and mini cornbreads
If you haven’t been reading my blog for long, you won’t be aware of my extreme love for making my favourite recipes over and over and over.  (Witness my obsession with Leek and Bean Cassoulet from Veganomicon last year)… The reason why I explain this is that we’re having cheezeburgers again for dinner.  So probably no posting tomorrow.  Besides, shouldn’t you guys be out enjoying yourselves on a Friday night instead of visiting my (awesome) blog? :)
To rub it in – no work tomorrow!  Just uni…


AMY said...

what cornbread recipe do you use?

hahah don't worry last week I made chickpea curry three days in a row.


I understand the repetition syndrome..

lisa said...

Yum, cornbread!

Rose said...

ooo corn bread sounds great! I love corn.


The Voracious Vegan said...

Oooh that chili looks awesome! I've been making 'cheezy' jalapeno cornbread a lot lately, it is sooo good.

Carlota said...

Corn bread is my favorite bread! And this cilli looks really good.

x said...

I too like making recipes over and over and over again.

That chilli looks great and now I know I really need to make corn bread muffins, they look yummo.

Theresa said...

Chilli and cornbread is what I had for dinner last night, too (sort of)... great meal!

Susan said...

Nom, nom, nom! All is lookin great. And tasty. And delicious. And now I am hungry and it is only 10.45am... morning tea time? ;)

The McWilliams sherry has changed its labels recently to say that they use milk and eggs. *grumbles and curses* I have found another sherry called Pleasant Valley (or something like that), and to the best of my investigations it does not use these icky things. I get mine from the Liquorland downstairs at Garden City near Coles.

Is it too late for me to perhaps join you for AusVeganMoFo? Reading all these posts is inspiring me to start posting again!

Amy said...

We can totally add you to the list Susan - the more the merrier!

The Cornbread is from the Joy of Vegan Baking. I always cut down on the sugar because cornbread should be savoury in my opinion!!!

I'm tempted to make a cheezeburger for lunch when I get home from my Humanitarian law lecture today :)

Vaala ◪ said...

Ooo, that looks delicious especially the cornbread.

Anna said...

YUM cornbread! I've had an enchilada everyday since I made them on Wednesday. I think it's normal - I'm normal right... right?!

Amy said...

I do that frequently Anna - except it's more likely to be something like Hot and Spicy soup!