Monday, 13 October 2008

I'm such a lazy VeganMoFo

All I have to offer you is hummous and quackers:
Quackers and Bean Scape Dip


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Hummus & quackers??? That's sufficient enough for me!! :0)

allularpunk said...

but it looks so good!

Anonymous said...

Lazy? I would have skipped a three course dinner for this!

Jen Treehugger said...

It's very under rated [being lazy] you know. I think the more people who hear about it the better especially when they get to eat thinks like Hummus and crackers.
Where's EAR?

Amy said...

I must make me some of these quackers!!!! I haven't made those before (they've been on my to make list forever). And hey! Why isn't EAR trying to steal them, it's not like him to miss out on deliciousness!

Erin said...

Get in my belly!

Sheree' said...

Hummus is the food of the Gods. :o)